Thoughtful gifts always have a lasting impact, and it’s important for anyone considering gifting a pet to put a lot of thought into it, as the relationship is one that will hopefully last for many years.
While it can be overwhelmingly tempting to surprise someone with a pet on a holiday, it’s not a wise option. Yes, it makes great fodder for social media to see the “shock-and-awe” reaction and the adorable pet under a tree, but the first consideration must be the health and welfare of the pet. A holiday when there is heightened activity and noise is not the best time to welcome a new addition to the family. There’s also more opportunity for the pet to get into mischief or danger with potential holiday hazards from decorations and from general holiday stress. It’s imperative that the recipient has adequate down time to bond with any new pet.
If prior consent was received to add a pet during the holidays, it’s important that the recipient has time and resources to care for a pet in the long term. For military families, timing might not be right if a move or deployment is in the near future.
If the recipient is a minor, parents must be willing to accept the responsibility of the bulk of pet care. Never gift a pet to a child without first discussing it with a parent or guardian and getting approval. Also, be aware of any allergy concerns, so you can be sure to find a pet that is the best fit. And even though it’s tempting to wrap the new bundle in a beautiful package, never put a pet inside a box or precarious position, as it can cause long-term trauma for the pet.
Finding a pet that fits a person’s lifestyle is crucial. A large animal that needs a lot of exercise or one that is loud might not be good for someone with limited space or time. Thoughtful consideration must be given to the ongoing costs associated with pet care such as veterinary visits and insurance. List out estimates prior to adoption.
There are many reasons to bring a pet into a home. Pets can be very beneficial for mental health because they provide companionship and connection. They can teach children about responsibility, and they can help a pet parent and family be more active. Often, many shelters are filled with older pets, so, while it might be preferable to have a puppy or kitten, an older pet might be a better match for some. For example, senior pets with lower activity levels might be a good fit for older people.
Consider offering presents for the set-up process. Items related to the care of a new pet make great gifts, too. Items like bowls and feeders, beds, leashes, toys, brushes, books on pet care, and gift cards for pet stores can be really helpful for new pet parents, and they can help get the new pet/parent relationship off on the right foot.
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