Though an unofficial holiday, Petsgiving has been paired with Thanksgiving to raise awareness of pet welfare and show appreciation for all the joy that pets bring to their owners’ lives. It also heightens the importance of having a plan in place so pets can safely partake in any holiday celebration with family.
It’s a time to give your pet something extra special such as a new toy, special treat, or food. As you prep for Thanksgiving, you could include your children in cooking a special dish for your pet. Research your pet’s individual dietary requirements and ask your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Also, give your pet the gift of time. Be sure to play with and pamper them. Go for an extended walk or give them a soothing massage.
One way you can show appreciation for animals is to donate to animals in need, whether it be a local animal rescue group or shelter or a national pet advocacy organization. Some shelters and groups have programs in place that allow sponsor adoption to ensure a pet has its basic needs met. If it isn’t the right time for pet parenthood, this is a great way to get kids involved in understanding animal welfare.
Thanksgiving can be a stressful holiday for pets, particularly if the event is celebrated in their home with people unfamiliar to them. You know your pet best and how they respond in unusual situations, so be sure to create an environment tailored to them.
With all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy for someone to leave a door ajar. Be mindful of exits so pets don’t escape.
While you can tell guests not to offer table scraps to pets, be vigilant and look for spilled food.
Keep your pets away from the trash can as the tempting smells might be overwhelming for them. Be sure to keep it out of their reach, so you don’t have a midnight marauder. A turkey carcass can be deadly to a dog.
If you are using candles, make sure they are attended to and don’t leave them in any area your pet might be alone.
Keep the number of your local emergency vet or poison control on hand in case of accidental ingestion.
For very anxious pets, it might be best to make them comfortable in a space away from merriment. Be sure to provide access to food, water, and litter box/wee-wee pads. Calming chews can also be a great way to keep pets soothed. Visit your pets often throughout the party to reassure them. Also, tell guests which spaces should be avoided. Think about possibly adding a sign on the door to remind guests where the pets are hanging out.
If you are traveling with your pet for the holiday, have a secure carrier that can act as a safe space for pets as well as their regular food and a selection of toys. Check for veterinarians in the area you are visiting in case of emergency.
If you are planning to celebrate outside the home and will be away from your pet for an extended time, be sure they have everything necessary, especially if they are going to have different mealtimes. A programmable timed feeder can be useful for these situations.
Whatever you plan this holiday season, just be sure to include a little something extra for your pets and ensure that their needs are met just the same as everyone else’s!
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