A new year usually means setting goals and plans for what we hope to achieve. But actually meeting those expectations can be trickier than it seems. Family spoke with three military families to get their tips for implementing these new plans at the beginning of the year to ensure success all year long!
“Implement regular (weekly) calendar syncs with your spouse and kids. Using a shared calendar makes life even easier. Get family input on weekly meal plans."
Sandy Hardman, Army spouse, Fort Riley, KS

"We recently bought a skylight digital calendar mounted on the wall for the family to share the events and activities daily. We encourage our kids to make chaos daily without any incentives given."
Winni Zhang, Army spouse, Fort Knox, KY

"We keep a color-coded calendar for the family in a common area for everyone to see. But, being a larger family, we tend to be more flexible and give a lot of verbal/text reminders for events happening that day."
Kelly Sieker, Army spouse, Fort Riley, KS