From Scotch Tape
Packing things up properly may be the most important part of a move. Not only does it keep your belongings protected, it also impacts how smoothly things go on moving day and makes it easier to unpack quickly in your new home.
How to Pack Moving Boxes
Follow these basic steps to help keep your items safe and insulated during your move.
Start prepping early. Assemble Scotch™ Moving Boxes and place them around your home to help remind you to pack a little bit every day. To assemble boxes, use Scotch® Tough Grip Moving Tape to seal the seam on the bottom, then place another piece of tape perpendicular to the seam for extra support.
It’s best to fill boxes completely to keep them from collapsing. But, don’t overstuff either, or you won’t be able to stack them. Pack heavy items like books in smaller boxes to avoid back strain.
Make sure valuables are securely wrapped with Scotch™ Cushion Wrap. This is safer than using old newspapers, because the newspaper ink can leave an imprint on your delicate items. Also, if you can feel the item through the wrap, it still needs more protection.
Wrap dishes with Scotch™ Cushion Wrap, and always stand them on edge vertically like vinyl records.
If you’re planning to store boxes in a basement, attic or garage for a long time, use Scotch® Tough Grip Moving Tape. This tape’s adhesive is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, and it won’t deteriorate over time, so it’s great for spaces where temps change with the seasons.
Fill a Scotch™ Moving Box with some essential items you’ll need right away after the move, like cups for your morning coffee, toilet paper and soap for the bathroom, tools and cleaning supplies. Make this the last box you place into the moving truck, so it’ll be the first you unpack.